shipwreck Hunters Australia
"Shipwreck Hunters Australia" is an original documentary series streaming on Disney+, following the dive team Terra Australis as they search for shipwrecks along the stunning Western Australian coastline. The series explores the stories and marine worlds of six different WA wrecks. I serve as both on-screen talent and an underwater camera operator, helping to uncover long-lost stories and showcase the incredible marine life beneath the waves.
national Geographic:
Only In OZ
“Only in Oz" is a National Geographic series showcasing Australia's incredible wildlife and exploring new scientific discoveries and conservation initiatives. During the filming of this natural history series, I had the opportunity to uncover mysteries about blue whales, visit a tiger snake-infested island, get hands on with Nyinggulu turtle tagging and test shark deterrents.
australian Geographic:
Live Stream
The total solar eclipse of 2023 was an incredible natural spectacle in Exmouth, Western Australia. In collaboration with Terra Australis and Jason Maley, we live-streamed the event, attracting close to 40,000 views. I hosted the live stream and had the privilege of chatting with travellers from across the globe, including "eclipse chasers" who came to witness this amazing natural wonder.